Basic Policy on Customer Harassment

The Inawashiro Ski Resort strives to enhance our services and technology to ensure that our customers can stay safely and with peace of mind.
In order to provide high-quality services to our customers and to protect our employees, we have formulated and publicly disclosed this basic policy.
Anticipation of Customer Harassment
The "Customer Harassment Countermeasure Company Manual" announced by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare mainly targets situations where complaints or behaviors from customers, etc., are deemed socially unreasonable in terms of the appropriateness of the demands of such complaints or behaviors. Specifically, it focuses on situations where the means and methods to realize such demands are considered socially unacceptable, and where the working environment of employees is compromised by these means and methods.
Furthermore, the scope is not limited to the specific behaviors mentioned above.
Acts Considered as Targets of Customer Harassment
In accordance with the contents of the "Customer Harassment Countermeasure Company Manual" announced by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the following behaviors are anticipated.
  • Physical attacks (assault, harm)
  • Mental attacks (threats, defamation, slander, insult, verbal abuse)
  • Coercive behavior
  • Demand for kowtowing
  • Persistent (repeated), persistent (insistent) behavior
  • Restrictive behavior (refusal to leave, squatting, confinement)
  • Discriminatory behavior
  • Sexual behavior
  • Attacks or demands directed at individual employees
Moreover, if the appropriateness of the demands is deemed unreasonable, the following behaviors are also anticipated.
  • Demand for product exchange
  • Demand for financial compensation
  • Request for an apology (excluding kowtowing)
Dealing with Customer Harassment
【Customer Service】
Regarding behaviors that fall under customer harassment, we seek rational discussions for a reasonable resolution. However, in cases deemed malicious, we may refuse service.
【Response for Employees】
  • In preparation for potential incidents of customer harassment, we conduct training sessions on response methods to ensure that each employee can respond promptly.
  • We have established a manual for responding to customer harassment and built an internal system to address such incidents.
  • For a more appropriate response, we collaborate with external organizations such as the police and lawyers.
Request to Customers
While many of our customers have not experienced incidents as mentioned above and continue to use our services, in the rare event that an act constituting customer harassment is confirmed, we will respond firmly in accordance with our basic policy.
We will continue to strive to provide you with high-quality services to ensure your satisfaction. We appreciate your ongoing understanding and cooperation.
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