Snow Park

The snow park in the Base Area of Inawashiro Ski Resort utilizes the natural landscape and provides a wide variety of features of all sizes and for all levels of skiers and snowboarders. Choose the park and features that fit your mood and style.&All beginners and advanced snowboarders can enjoy snow waves, walls, boxes, rails, and all other items.
Park image

The season is now here! Let's all have fun at the Snow Park!

Scattered Jib Items and Banks
Easy for anyone and everyone to try!
Enjoy the park YOUR way!
JIB & Jump
Base and Sky area Snow Park
Wide or low riding box and other items for beginners

SKY PARK item image

SKY PARK Kicker 5m Table Top High Rail Quarter Donkey Rail

BASE PARK item image

BASE PARK Flat Wide Box Side-in Narrow Box

SKY PARK items

Kicker with 5-meter tabletop

Kicker with 5-meter tabletop

High riding rail

High riding rail

Quarter pipe

Quarter pipe

Donkey kick

Donkey kick


Flat and wide box

Flat and wide box

Side-approach narrow box

Side-approach narrow box
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